Healed World Policies

Fraud and Corruption Policy

1. Introduction: 

Healed World is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and ethical conduct in all aspects of its operations. The organization has zero tolerance for fraud, corruption, or unethical behaviour of any kind. This policy outlines Healed World’s approach to preventing, detecting, and addressing fraud and corruption and establishes procedures for reporting and investigating suspected incidents.

2. Definitions:

• Fraud: Any intentional act or omission designed to deceive others, resulting in unlawful or unfair financial or personal gain.
• Corruption: Abuse of entrusted power for personal gain or benefit, often involving bribery, extortion, or other unethical conduct.

3. Prevention Measures:

• Healed World conducts regular risk assessments to identify areas vulnerable to fraud and corruption and implements controls to mitigate these risks.
• All staff members receive training on the organization’s policies and procedures related to fraud and corruption prevention and are required to
adhere to strict ethical standards.

4. Reporting Procedures:

• Any staff member who suspects or becomes aware of fraudulent or corrupt behaviour must report it immediately to their supervisor or the designated Ethics Officer.
• Reports of fraud or corruption may be made anonymously through a
confidential reporting mechanism, such as a hotline or email address.

5. Investigation Procedures:

• Upon receiving a report of suspected fraud or corruption, Healed World will initiate a prompt and thorough investigation.
• An investigation team, comprising individuals with relevant expertise and independence, will be appointed to conduct the investigation.
• The investigation team will gather evidence, interview relevant parties, and assess the extent and impact of the suspected fraud or corruption.

6. Disciplinary Action:

• If the investigation confirms the occurrence of fraud or corruption, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the individuals involved,
up to and including termination of employment.
• Healed World reserves the right to pursue legal action against perpetrators of fraud or corruption, seeking restitution and damages as necessary.

7. Reporting to Authorities:

• Incidents of fraud or corruption involving criminal activity will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities for further investigation and prosecution.

8. Confidentiality and Protection of Whistleblowers:

• Healed World is committed to protecting the confidentiality of individuals who report suspected fraud or corruption and will not tolerate retaliation against whistleblowers.
• Whistleblowers who act in good faith and with reasonable belief in the accuracy of their report will be protected from adverse consequences.

9. Review and Monitoring:

• This Fraud and Corruption Policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and relevance in addressing emerging risks and changing
• Management will monitor compliance with this policy and take corrective action as necessary to strengthen controls and prevent recurrence of
fraudulent or corrupt behaviour.

10. Communication and Training:

• Healed World will communicate this policy to all staff members and provide training on their roles and responsibilities in preventing, detecting, and reporting fraud and corruption.

11. Approval:
This Fraud and Corruption Policy is approved by the Board of Directors and applies to all staff members, volunteers, contractors, and partners associated with Healed World.

12. Effective Date:
This policy is effective as of 31/03/2022 as approved by the Board of Directors and supersedes any previous policies or guidelines related to fraud and corruption prevention and detection.

By establishing this Fraud and Corruption Policy and implementing procedures for reporting and investigating suspected incidents, Healed World aims to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity, safeguarding its resources and reputation

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