Healed World Policies

Governance, Operational, and Compliance Policies​

Code of Conduct and Ethics
1. Standards of Behaviour and Ethical Principles
 All individuals associated with Healed World, including Board members, staff, volunteers, and partners, are expected to adhere to high standards of behaviour and ethical conduct at all times.
• This includes demonstrating respect, honesty, integrity, professionalism, and accountability in their interactions and decision-making processes.
• Individuals are encouraged to uphold the organization’s mission, values, and guiding principles in their actions and behaviours, promoting a culture of excellence and ethical leadership.
2. Prohibition of Conflicts of Interest and Unethical Behaviour
• Healed World strictly prohibits conflicts of interest, defined as situations where personal interests conflict with the interests of the organization, its beneficiaries, or stakeholders.
• Individuals are expected to avoid situations where their personal, financial, or professional interests may compromise their ability to act in
the best interests of Healed World.
• Unethical behaviour, including but not limited to fraud, embezzlement, bribery, corruption, and misrepresentation, is strictly prohibited and will
result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or partnership.
3. Prevention of Harassment, Discrimination, and Detrimental Actions
• Healed World is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all individuals, free from harassment, discrimination, and
harmful behaviours.
• Harassment, including verbal, physical, or sexual harassment, bullying, intimidation, or coercion, will not be tolerated and will be promptly
addressed through appropriate channels.
• Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law is strictly
prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.
• Any actions detrimental to the organization’s mission, values, reputation, or stakeholders, including acts of sabotage, malicious gossip, or spreading false information, will be addressed through disciplinary measures.
4. Adherence to Legal and Regulatory Requirements

• All individuals associated with Healed World are required to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and government requirements at the local,
national, and international levels.
• This includes but is not limited to compliance with labour laws, tax regulations, anti-corruption laws, data protection regulations, and laws
governing charitable organizations.
• Individuals are expected to maintain transparency, honesty, and integrity in all organizational activities, always ensuring full compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
5. Promotion of Transparency, Honesty, Integrity, and Respect for Diversity and Inclusion

• Healed World promotes a culture of transparency, honesty, and integrity in all aspects of its operations, fostering trust, accountability, and ethical
• Individuals are encouraged to communicate openly, honestly, and respectfully with colleagues, partners, beneficiaries, and stakeholders,
promoting transparency and collaboration.
• Healed World values diversity and inclusion and is committed to creating a work environment that respects and celebrates all individuals’ unique
contributions and perspectives, regardless of background or identity.

Board Governance
1. Composition, Roles, Responsibilities, and Selection Process for the Board of Directors

• Composition: The Board of Directors is composed of individuals with diverse backgrounds, expertise, and perspectives, reflecting the organization’s mission, values, and stakeholders. The composition may include representatives from various sectors, disciplines, and demographics to ensure a well-rounded and inclusive Board.
• Roles and Responsibilities: The Board of Directors is responsible for setting the strategic direction, policies, and priorities of Healed World, overseeing organizational performance, and ensuring compliance with legal, ethical, and fiduciary obligations. Board members provide leadership, guidance, and oversight to management, ensuring alignment with the organization’s mission and values.
• Selection Process: The selection process for Board members is transparent, merit-based, and inclusive, considering factors such as relevant experience, expertise, skills, diversity, and commitment to the organization’s mission. Nominations may be solicited from current Board members, staff, stakeholders, and external sources, with the final selection made by the Governance Committee or the full Board.

2. Procedures for Board Meetings, Decision-Making, Voting, and Conflict Resolution
• Board Meetings:
Board meetings are scheduled regularly, typically quarterly or semi-annually, to review organizational performance, strategic initiatives, financial reports, and key decisions. Meetings may be conducted in person or virtually, with advance notice provided to Board members.
• Decision-Making: Decisions are made through consensus-building, informed discussion, and voting, with a majority vote required for approval.
Board members are encouraged to express their views openly and respectfully, with consideration given to diverse perspectives and viewpoints.
• Voting: Each Board member has one vote, with decisions made by a simple majority unless otherwise specified in the organization’s bylaws or
governance policies. Voting may be conducted in person, by proxy, or electronically, with voting results recorded in meeting minutes for
transparency and accountability.
• Conflict Resolution: Procedures for resolving conflicts of interest, disagreements, or disputes among Board members are established, ensuring
fair and impartial resolution. Mediation, arbitration, or other conflict resolution mechanisms may be utilized to address conflicts in a timely and
constructive manner, preserving Board unity and effectiveness. 

3. Establishment of Committees, Their Mandates, and Membership Criteria
• Committees:
The Board establishes committees to provide specialized oversight, guidance, and support in key areas such as finance, governance, audit, fundraising, and program evaluation. Committees may be standing or ad-hoc, depending on the organization’s needs and priorities.
• Mandates: Each committee is assigned a specific mandate or charter outlining its purpose, responsibilities, authority, and reporting requirements. Mandates may include reviewing financial reports, conducting performance evaluations, developing policies, and making recommendations to the full Board.
• Membership Criteria: Membership criteria for Board committees are established to ensure representation of relevant expertise, skills, and
perspectives. Committee members are appointed based on their qualifications, experience, and commitment to the committee’s mandate,
with diversity and inclusivity considered in the selection process.

Financial Stewardship
1. Guidelines for Financial Management, Budgeting, Accounting, and Reporting

• Financial Management: Healed World sets clear guidelines and procedures for managing finances, including budget development, expenditure tracking, cash flow management, and investment decisions. Financial managementpractices prioritize efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability, ensuringoptimal use of resources to achieve organizational goals.

• Budgeting: The organization develops comprehensive annual budgets aligned with its strategic priorities, programmatic objectives, and fundingsources. Budgets are prepared collaboratively, reviewed regularly, and adjusted as needed to reflect changing circumstances and priorities.

• Accounting: Healed World maintains accurate and up-to-date financial records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) or other relevant accounting standards. Accounting procedures include recording transactions, reconciling accounts, preparing financial statements, and complying with reporting requirements.
• Reporting: The organization produces timely and accurate financial reports for internal and external stakeholders, including the Board of Directors, funders, donors, regulatory authorities, and the public. Financial reports provide transparent and comprehensive information on the organization’s financial performance, position, and outcomes, facilitating informed decision-making and accountability.

2. Procedures for Financial Oversight, Internal Controls, Risk Management, and Audit
• Financial Oversight: Healed World establishes mechanisms for ongoing financial oversight by the Board of Directors, executive leadership, and
relevant committees. Oversight responsibilities include reviewing financial reports, monitoring budgetary performance, assessing financial risks, and ensuring compliance with policies and regulations.
• Internal Controls: The organization implements robust internal controls to safeguard assets, prevent fraud and financial mismanagement, and ensure compliance with policies and procedures. Internal controls encompass segregation of duties, authorization processes, access controls, and regular internal audits.
• Risk Management: Healed World identifies, assesses, and manages financial risks to minimize their impact on organizational operations and
objectives. Risk management strategies include risk assessment, mitigation measures, contingency planning, and insurance coverage to protect against potential losses and liabilities.
• Audit: The organization conducts periodic internal and external audits to assess the effectiveness of financial controls, compliance with policies and regulations, and the accuracy of financial reporting. Audit findings and recommendations are addressed promptly, with corrective actions
implemented to strengthen financial stewardship and accountability.

3. Prohibition of Financial Mismanagement, Fraud, Embezzlement, and Misuse of Funds
• Healed World maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards financial mismanagement, fraud, embezzlement, and misuse of funds, holding
individuals accountable for responsible financial stewardship.
• All employees, volunteers, and stakeholders are required to adhere to ethical standards and comply with organizational policies and procedures related to financial management and accountability.
• Any suspected instances of financial misconduct are promptly investigated, and appropriate disciplinary action is taken, including termination of
employment, legal action, and restitution of misappropriated funds.


Human Resources Management
1. Recruitment, Selection, Onboarding, and Performance Evaluation:

• Healed World establishes transparent and equitable policies and procedures for recruiting, selecting, and onboarding qualified staff and
volunteers. This includes job postings, screening, interviewing, and reference checks to ensure the best fit for positions.
• The organization conducts thorough performance evaluations to assess individual and team performance, provide feedback, and identify areas
for growth and development.

2. Compliance and Workplace Standards:
• Healed World ensures compliance with labour laws, equal employment opportunity regulations, and workplace health and safety standards. This
includes providing a safe and inclusive work environment free from discrimination, harassment, and hazards.
• The organization promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion in its recruitment, hiring, and retention practices, fostering a workforce that
reflects the communities it serves.

3. Employee Relations, Conflict Resolution, and Supportive Environment:

• Healed World provides guidelines for managing employee relations, conflict resolution, and disciplinary actions in a fair and consistent
manner. This includes clear communication channels, grievance procedures, and mechanisms for resolving disputes.
• The organization fosters a positive and supportive work environment that values teamwork, collaboration, and mutual respect among staff and

Program Management
1. Program Development, Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation:

• Healed World defines systematic processes for program development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation to ensure alignment with
organizational goals and objectives. This includes needs assessment, goal setting, activity planning, and outcome measurement.
• The organization establishes performance indicators, targets, and reporting mechanisms to track program progress, assess effectiveness,
and inform decision-making.

2. Project Selection, Planning, Budgeting, and Resource Allocation:
• Healed World sets criteria for selecting projects based on their alignment with organizational priorities, feasibility, impact potential, and
sustainability. This includes conducting risk assessments and stakeholder consultations to inform project planning.
• The organization develops detailed project plans, budgets, and resource allocation strategies to ensure efficient use of resources and effective
implementation of activities.

3. Innovation, Learning, and Continuous Improvement:
• Healed World promotes a culture of innovation, learning, and continuous improvement in program design, delivery, and impact assessment. This
includes fostering creativity, experimentation, and adaptive management practices.
• The organization encourages knowledge sharing, capacity building, and feedback loops to capture lessons learned, best practices, and areas for
improvement in program management.

Risk Management
1. Identification and Assessment of Organizational Risks:

• Healed World identifies and assesses a range of organizational risks, including financial, operational, reputational, legal, and strategic risks.
This involves conducting risk assessments, scenario planning, and SWOT analyses to identify potential threats and opportunities.
• The organization prioritizes risks based on their likelihood and potential impact on organizational objectives, stakeholders, and mission delivery.

2. Risk Mitigation and Management Strategies:
• Healed World develops and implements risk mitigation and management strategies to address identified risks effectively. This includes
implementing controls, safeguards, and monitoring mechanisms to reduce the likelihood and impact of risks.
• The organization establishes contingency plans and response protocols to address unforeseen events or crises, ensuring resilience and business

3. Promotion of Risk Awareness, Transparency, and Accountability:

• Healed World promotes a culture of risk awareness, transparency, and accountability across the organization. This involves raising awareness of
risks, encouraging staff and volunteers to report concerns, and fostering open communication channels.
• The organization assigns clear roles and responsibilities for risk management, ensuring accountability and ownership at all levels of the
organization. Through effective human resources management, program management, and risk management practices, Healed World aims to optimize organizational performance, achieve impact, and sustainably deliver its mission of promoting healing and empowerment for communities worldwide.

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